Why complain about money but keep popping babies out?

So, on Facebook I have been added by people that I have "mutual friends" with. And there are multiple people with 3+ kids, no job, and expecting another baby and have Gofund me pages for paying their rent or asking people for free things for their babies because they don't have money.
 I understand some people fall on hard times and need help here and there but these are the same people that don't work, constantly post about needing to borrow money, ask for babysitter's on weekends so they can go out etc.
Stop reproducing if you can't afford children.
They make it people's business when they post on social media though... So I'm missing the part where I'm being invasive on their personal lifestyle... It's alarming when people post they don't have money for a home for their children but have money for partying... ☕️🐸 but you're right; I shouldn't be a concerned citizen.