Lost here


My last AF was Dec 8 I haven't had it yet but other post I did see faint positive pregnancy test I have few symptoms,some test are very faint some is were you could actually see it,my dr did blood work two weeks ago was negative,I'm still having positive pregnancy test,here are OPK'S test and wondfo pregnancy test and first response, please if anyone went through what I'm going through please let me know what might be going on with me,it's so frustrating, I haven't been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>,

Did 1 test a day

Feb 8 first response it's dried up,9&10 are my OPK'S I have more,

First response test and opk

Top opk today bottom yesterday

No idea what is going on 😢, what do y'all think about the wondfo pregnancy test?