I really feel like this is our month

Theo • Planning for baby #1. Trans man married to a trans man.

We started insemination on 2/5 and did 2/6 and 2/7 as well. I *think* i had my peak on 2/7. I've felt completely different since like the moment after. A little tmi but sex has been like crazy amazing. I got these bumps on my nipples and looked them up and saw they're montgomery tubercles which they say you can get before you even miss your period? I woke up this morning and I'm having some bad cramps on my left side which is also the side I felt ovulation pain on. I never ever get cramps in my luteal phase and honestly never really get cramps at all. I have a strong, strong feeling its implantation cramps so I'm trying to tell myself not to test again for a few days. I have such a strong feeling y'all. We went and picked up a stroller the other day. We got a few small things like towels, onesies, stuffed animals, books. My friend is bringing us her old crib. Everything is telling me this is my month.