Possible pregnancy ?? Someone help me please😭


Soooo my  predicted period is supposed to be today and so far so good no sign of AF yet. No cramps nothing. Just the same discharge I been having for 2 weeks which is clear sometimes kinda slimy looking. I honestly have so much at times that I feel to wet down there and been wearing a pad just for that reason.

I took a test yesterday but it was during late evening so I’m sure my Urine was diluted a good bit then.

The first response test was taken last night.

Feel like I seen something but I don’t know really. Line eyes maybe??

Then the Walmart cheapie was taken 2-3 days ago. Not FMU either but still felt like I seen something. ?? Line eyes again maybe but idk again.

Can somebody help me? Do anyone see the start of something yet? I don’t know when I would have ovulated so I don’t know how many DPO I am.