Pregnancy or period symptoms, sorry its long


Im 11 days late for my AF. I have regular periods usually but i know stress can cause it to be pushed back. My last period was right on time and actually lasted about 2 days longer than usual with the last 2 being super light. But this week i have been very nauseous, no appetite (but i smoke THC to have an appetite or ill lose weight drastically and wont want to eat) i havent smoked since last Saturday tho so thats probably the reason i cant really eat, but when i do force myself to eat then i feel super sick as if i need to throw up but i cant, ive had headaches come and go and theyll last only a few mintues, im super gassy (tmi but seriously), im sleepy alot but im always sleepy lol, i have heat flashes then get cold sometimes at night and struggle to get comfortable. During the day Ill sweat even if im a little chilled. i have mild cramps like when my AF is here but they come and go also and they arent as bad as they usually are. Lastly im super super emotional and ill cry over little things like not being able to see my SO or being bored and uncomfortable, ill literally cry. I did take a test twice this week once yesterday and once the day before and they were both BFN😕 im going to wait a week or 2 to test again but ill also wait for my AF to come.

Idk what to do, is anyone else going through the same thing or what were your symptoms when you were pregnant but had no clue and thought your AF was coming?