Dating - living separate and bills


My boyfriend and I live about an hour apart. He owns a house and I rent. I stay with him about 40-50% of the time. Sometimes he comes to my house but I usually go there. I’m wondering what you guys did for bills for anyone in a case similar.

Part of me says I should help pay his bills because he has the heat warmer when I’m there, I shower there, etc. but the other part of me says we have two house and should pay our own bills. He filled his propane tank this week which I know wasn’t cheap so it’s making me wonder.

I do buy groceries or house things (toilet paper, laundry soap, body wash, etc) for his house sometimes so I contribute that way. Thoughts?!

*note- we are both financially comfortable and stable with the lives we live. We aren’t rich but we don’t live paycheck to paycheck either.