Day 5 & Transfer Update!


I posted a few days ago about being really bummed with our fertilization report - 3/7 fertilized, and we/our doctor didn’t know if my husbands’s morphology issues would continue to impact our chance at developing good embryos post-fertilization. I was prepared (maybe even expecting?) to have nothing make it to day 5. Well, today was day 5, and our update was better than I was daring to imagine! We had a 5 day blast graded 4B+B - did a fresh transfer this morning, which went perfectly. A second day 5 blast graded 4B-B and is freezing today. AND AND our third is still hanging in there, but needs to be checked on day 6 to see if we can freeze or not.

I truly appreciate all the support and positive stories shared in this community. Heading home and ready to enjoy a big snowstorm while this sweet little blastocyst tries to find a good spot to implant. 💗