Moving forward 🍀

Nicole • Wife 💍🤰🏻#2 on the way! Mama 👦🏻 Dog mama 🐶🐶

I had a missed miscarriage and had a D&C 12/24/20. At 12 weeks the baby was only 8 weeks and no heartbeat. I finally got the results back from the testing of the fetus and it turns out that our angel had Turners Syndrome. I feel like I have some closure now.

I have also been doing some lab testing to make sure everything is ok and nothing is causing these recurring miscarriages. But everything has come back normal for me! And my husband just got chromosomal abnormality test to make sure everything is good on his side (waiting for the test results).

The doctor is confident that I will have a successful pregnancy next time especially since we know the cause of this last one and my labs are normal. Which means I’ve just had bad luck with 2 prior chemicals and this missed miscarriage.

All of this just makes me feel a little more hopeful for the future! I’m actually ovulating right now but my husband and I decided to wait one more cycle to try again.

Although I miss our angel I feel better in moving forward and trying again!

Positive sticky vibes to you ladies! 💜✨