Pregnant with 2nd and the first is out of hand!

Sara • Hi!! I'm 28 and pregnant with baby #3! We have an 8 year old girl and 1 year old boy! Can’t wait to see what our new blessing will be!
So I'm 18 weeks pregnant with my second baby and my first just turned 6. Can anyone tell me if their first child started acting out really bad and not listening once you found out you were pregnant. Idk what to do anymore she will not listen to me or her dad (my husband) and we are at our wits end! I'm very high risk and have enough problems already and her acting like this and not listening is not helping! She's been yelling at me and calling me names as well as throwing stuff at me and hitting me I honestly dont know what to do. My patience is so thin at this point and idk how much more of this I can take! Please help bc any advice is appreciated! And please no bad comments!