Undetected pregnancy?


Has anyone dealt with undetected pregnancy, where you can’t get a solid confirmation of pregnancy? Aka cryptic pregnancy.

I had my mirena iud removed Oct 30, 2020, and bled for the following 4 days. (My monthly was due the 31st)

My husband and I have been ttc since then and started right away. The next month I did not get a bleed.

Skip to the next month of December, I got light bleeding about a week before my expected cycle. Lasted about 3 days.

January cycle comes around and again is earlier than expected and much lighter and shorter, only lasting 2 days.

Now waiting for my next “cycle” but my belly is obviously getting bigger, I’ve been feeling some movements for a couple weeks now and this would be my 3rd pregnancy, so I know the difference between gas/fetal movement.

Frequent urination, shortness of breath, tender/sore breast, nipples are leaking colostrum, food and smell aversions, nausea, headaches, and exhaustion.... I’m having so many symptoms of pregnancy.

BUT ALMOST ALL MY HPT HAVE BEEN NEGATIVE. I have literally taken 50+ tests and 2 have resulted in faint positives.

I’m going for bloodwork tomorrow but I’m convinced that if I’m not pregnant I’m dying or clinically insane.

Pleaseeeee can ANYONE relate? 😩😭