Latreya • God First❤️ Mama Bear to cubs! 14 & 2💕

❣️I promise not to test early

❣️I promise not to symptom spot

❣️I promise not to start feeling like I’m out before AF comes

❣️I promise to do something nice for my self because Lord knows it’s hard out here when your just trying to get pregnant 😫😅

❣️I also promise not to be bitter if I don’t get my BFP this cycle. I’ll shake it off and try again.

❣️I promise to continue to appreciate the things I do have. I’m so very thankful 🙌🏾

❣️ I also promise not to give up and keep my faith as strong as ever! God will supply❤️✨


Sending positive vibes and baby dust ladies✨✨✨