Miscarriage at 6 weeks 4 days

Well on Friday Novemeber 13th we took three home pregnancy test which all read positive. After going to a new OBGYN to confirm the pregnancy and get my first appointment started, we went off of the first day of my last period. After having some mild cramps and bleeding last night, I went on to the hospital to get checked out. After blood being drawn, pelvic exam and an ultrasound it was brought to our attention that we had experienced a miscarriage. We have a healthy beautiful 4 year old daughter and had a miscarriage in 2012 but didn't know I was pregnant at the time. Because we've announced to family/friends and had our first appointment set up this miscarriage is hard to swallow. If everyone could please keep us in your prayers for peace during this time and that sometime soon God see it fit for us to conceive healthy next time. Thank you!