Continuously feeling down

Any of you other mums out there just feeling incredibly sad or guilty and are wanting to cry all the time? This is my second boy, I have a 19 month old toddler and I can't help but feel like a useless human being.

I feel like my son hates me because I can't play because I'm so exhausted and sore. All my energy is taken into making sure the house is clean for him and that he's fed and after that im just exhausted to play.

I just miss having my energy and being able to do things without feeling exhausted physically and mentally.

And on top of that I feel I have no time for my husband, in fact everything he does annoys me at the moment, even when he's trying to help me out. 😒 I feel like such a bitch, but I just can't shake these feelings. I love my son so much, and I love the little one growing inside me so much, I just don't get why I feel so depressed. 😕 please tell me I'm not the only one and that it's just one of those annoying pregnancy symptoms.

Sorry for the long rant. Just needed to get it out i guess

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Posted at
Just want to add that prenatal depression affects some women just like postpartum depression! Worth chatting to your doctor about!


De • Feb 14, 2021
Thank you...I did struggle post-partum with my a bit worried 😕 I feel like I can't control my feelings and its so annoying.


Posted at
You are definitely not the only one! I have been feeling like this for monthsMy son is 2.5 years old and has so much energy and I’m struggling to get through the day.


Posted at
I feel the same way, I have a 2.5 year old daughter and I’m pregnant with my second girl 31 weeks and I’m dead. I feel so bad because I hardly have the energy to keep up with her all day. You’re not alone but soon we will feel better! Once the baby is out!!!! Hugs


Posted at
The mom guilt is so real. I feel the same - after work and basic things like making dinner I’m exhausted and want to be left alone 😬 I used to take my son to the park all the time and now I just simply don’t have the energy. I feel bad because obviously he doesn’t understand. I am looking forward to having my body back and hopefully a boost of energy to entertain both of my littles.


Posted at
Thanks ladies, sorry you're all feeling the same way, but its also nice to know I'm not alone in my feelings. Hopefully we're all feeling better soon.