Hcg levels after chemical?



How long after bleeding did it take for your hcg levels to drop?

I received my first vvfl on Sunday at approximately 13 dpo and began spotting that evening just assumed it was implantation bleeding but continued testing to verify. Wednesday afternoon (16dpo) it increased to a bright red light flow which lasted 2.5 days as a light - md flow with minimal clots, very different from my usually md-hv clot filled period. However my at home tests have continued to get darker every day....so confused.

I had labs done Thursday (17dpo) my hcg was 79 and progesterone was only 5. I do my second draw today to confirm chemical/loss.

Just wondering how long it took others hcg to drop. We’ve been trying for baby #2 for about 2 years now and don’t want to wait to long to start trying again.

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Posted at
What were your labs for the second round of bloodwork? I'm sure I had a chemical Dec 5 and had heavy flow thru the 9th. Test yesterday (12/13) say 153 HCG.


Vi • Dec 16, 2021
My urine test to verify the loss came back negative about a week after my second blood draw.


Vi • Dec 16, 2021
My levels did end up rising I believe my second levels were around 149. In the end I did loose the pregnancy most likely due to low Progesterone. They tried to get me a prescription but a snow storm came through and shut everything down. By the time I got the prescription I was passing clots. I bled for over 2 weeks so it’s unknown when the loss occurred m.