Daughter broke my heart 😕

Someone tell me I’m being crazy please 🙈

Last night my In laws came to pick up my almost 3 year old as they will be keeping her for the time being until I have my son. I am 39 weeks. They wanted her now because 1.They wanted to spend time with her, 2. They said it’s easier for them because they are off, and 3. They live 2 hours away and don’t want to come in the middle of the night to get her should I go into labor. (Having my sweep Monday)

Well I wasn’t happy to begin with about them taking her while I’m not in labor, but my husband wanted my daughter to have some fun with her grandparents and doesn’t want to inconvenience them at a random time. Which is fine... but it’s like my daughter ripped a piece of my heart out ☹️. We went out to eat and my MIL took my daughter to feed her (fine whatever) but anytime i would grab my daughter my MIL would say “I have her” and snatch her. (We’ve had problems in the past of her acting like a mom towards my child and not letting me be a mom)

Anyways as it was time to leave I wanted to give my daughter a hug and a kiss but my daughter wasn’t having it. I picked her up and she called her nana to get her and was screaming because she wanted nana, not mama. She wouldn’t let me kiss her or anything. So here I am sending my daughter away for lord knows how long and my daughter didn’t even want to say bye to me. I just ran inside and cried. I felt so heart broken and feel like she doesn’t love me. I feel like I’m always the bad guy correcting her where as nana lets her do anything she wants (Hitting people, kicking, throwing, etc) so my daughter prefers her more and it’s always obvious everytime we are around her. She cries when leaving her nana and she just prefers her more. My husband thinks I’m crazy for letting that get to me, but honestly it really hurt me. I just hope my son will actually want me because I feel like such a failure as a mom 🥺