Pedophile in laws tried to bribe us to see our kids

I want to keep this brief because there’s a lot of info so I’m going to keep this as simple as possible and stick to the key points.

- been with my kids father for 10 years starting as teens.

- his dad sexually touched me on several occasions when I was a teen girl

- I never spoke up until i became pregnant with our first daughter, I decided I don’t want my in laws around my children to protect them

- my partner works with the entire family as they own a business but is a strictly business relationship

- he approached his grandfather (business owner) about a pay rise

- grandfather learned that my partner and I have some debt which is an entirely separate personal issue nothing to do with business

- offered 10 grand to my partner on the condition we let the pedophile parents have our children at their house and I’m not welcome as their mother

Naturally I am freaking out. I refuse to be bribed and to pimp out my children due to financial difficulties but my partner seems desperate so we’re having massive issues right now.

My FIL does work in some peoples homes and has boasted to my partner about being a peeping tom

My in laws are lucky I haven’t taken the sexual inappropriateness to the police but I have never had anything to gain from doing that, I just want to be left alone.

The only thing I can think to do to get them to back down is to threaten to go public with this information which would ruin their business. I don’t like to fight nasty or dirty but it’s the only way I think could resolve this for me .. please help!