Severe back pain


Have a history of back pain ever since I was a kid, a lot of the times it would happen around the time of my period and it so severe it knocks my breath away.

I had such a severe flare up about 2 years ago that I couldn’t even put my own socks on or bend over enough to put my hair up, put pants or underwear on, etc.

I went to the doctor around that time, got an X-ray and sent to PT, X-ray showed reverse lordosis, which is when your lumbar curves inward, and mostly like because that’s what my back was doing to deal with the pain I was in.

PT helped A LOT, I learned everything I need to keep going, and haven’t had a flare up this bad since then, but I’m having one now. Everything hurts except laying down.

Sitting is painful, standing in painful although less than sitting and laying down is the best I have.

Does anyone have anything that has helped them? I’ve been take Ibuprofen 800, doesn’t help with the pain at all, but I know it helps with inflammation, and I’ve been stretching every few hours, which helps but not for long.