HCG at 15,488 mIU/mL at 6w2d - normal?


I freaked out a little this week because my symptoms have been coming and going, and this is the week (week 6) when we lost our last baby. I called my doctor and he ordered 2 HGC tests 72 hours apart.

I took the first test on Friday morning at 6w2d and it was 15,488 mIU/mL.

My doctor said: “The HCG value is in a range where I would expect to see a pregnancy at your follow up with me on 2/23/21.” Sounds good, but kinda vague.

The info I’ve found online about HCG values by week varies wildly. Is this a good result for week 6?

I will go back in Monday for another draw to see if the HCG is rising appropriately.

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