I’m so discouraged ! 😩😩

Bonnie • Mommy of 2 handsome boys. Married to the love of my life with baby #3 on his or her way! Jesus’ girl ❤️

You guys, I’m 39 weeks today and have been having contractions for the last three days. They take my breathe away and are currently 3 minutes apart. I went to the hospital yesterday and on Thursday and was sent home with these contractions because I’m not dialating as far as I should me. I just want to cry. I’m in so much pain but I’m not dialating I’m currently 2 cm well 21/2 whatever that means😭 I have always needed to be induced and this is my 4th baby. I wish I could do it on my own and I really want n to but I just can’t and it’s heartbreaking. I’ve tried bouncing on the ball and primrose oil but nothing is happening down there. 😩😭 I feel like a failure and I’m just discouraged and in pain. I wishI could do this but I’m losing hope. I just needed to vent!