Need to vent


So shoud preface this saying that my mom and I have a difficult relationship so it’s not uncommon for us to butt hears when they come to visit. Well today I finally lost it because I’m tired of her disrespecting the parenting decisions that we make on regards to what my child eats... She didn’t have sweets until her first birthday cake. We now allow her a little treat on occasion but it’s definitely not the norm. We still avoid salty foods at all costs.

All weekend long she made comments about how she couldn’t wait to give her all the bad foods that we don’t let her eat. I caught her sneaking her popcorn right before dinner even when I specifically told her not too. Then at dinner, baby girl who is normally a good eater started loosing it after a few bites. She didn’t take her normal nap because of grandparents visiting and was overly tired. My mom kept insisting that the food was too spicy (it wasn’t and I’ve seen her gobble this dish up multiple other times) and said I should just give her some Mac n cheese. She always eats whatever we’re having and I don’t want to start the habit of making her special meals

So after she wouldn’t let it go I finally told her that we are the parents, that she needed to back down and respect the fact that we are her parents and that it’s not her place to tell us how we should and should not feed her. She ended up storming out without another word and waited in the car until my dad was ready to leave

I feel bad for loosing my temper but it’s not the first time my mom has over stepped her bounds when it comes to how we parent our daughter. Sorry for the long post but so angry with her right now and just had to let it out