Boosting milk supply


Baby girl #2 is due at the end of March.

I had milk supply issues with my first. I feel like there were several factors that contributed. I had a c-section due to her being breech. She had some heart complications and was taking for testing right after delivery. I didn’t get to see her for the first 4 hours. She didn’t have a very good latch. And to be honest she was also my first and I feel like as much as I had read and research I didn’t really know what I was doing. I did work with a lactation specialist and I breastfed for the first 4 months and pumped as much as I could but I only got about 3 oz between both breasts. We supplemented with formula because she wasn’t gaining weight.

I really hope to do better this time around. Is there anything you can do prior to baby being born that helps boost milk production?