Having some pretty strong cramps


All super super low, sick to my stomach and can feel it in my butt!!! Please pray for me ,

I’m 39 weeks tomorrow.. this has been my hardest pregnancy yet and I’m just so ready to feel normal again 😭😭

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I have had these strong coming and going since yesterday evening. They are mainly in my back, my hips and shining down my butt and thighs, and my stomach does get tight as well. I'm a FTM, so I am wondering if we are feeling the same and if these are signs that baby might come soon? 😅 or is it just common cramps from the pressure of the baby?My due date is Thursday the 18th.


Em • Feb 15, 2021
My cramps started again not long after I had woken up. They have picked up in intensity as well and my midwife believes it's incoming labor. So I'm just to time them and call the hospital again as soon as there has been 3 mins in between contractions consistently for an hour. I hope it is the real deal because right now it's so painful, it's hard to cope when the cramps hit 😫 however, they were consistent with 5-6 mins between them and now they are a bit inconsistent again, so I am super confused as to what is going on 😅


Kristina • Feb 15, 2021
I’m not sure what it was but baby hasn’t caused any cramping yet today 😩😩


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I feel ya ! I'm almost 39 weeks and feel the same ill pray for you