Baby’s coming!!👶🏽💙



I am 38 weeks today and having a boy my due date is February 28th and my induction day was the 21st💙

So,I haven’t felt my son kick or move at all today.Last night I started having what I thought was Braxton Hicks and today round 6Pm I realized I haven’t felt my son move all day so I called the hospital they told me come in..

He was moving but I couldn’t feel it all I felt was contractions and my stomach tightening back to back....

Time went pass she came in told me my blood pressure had risen they decided to keep me and plus they said my contractions are consistent....

So they checked my cervix I was 1cm 75% effaced and I just received my second check I’m 2cm 90% effaced!! Hopefully I get further before he decide to induce!!

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Posted at
Yess and I’m 3cm last they check they will be checking again soon


Posted at
Oh wow might be labour hopefully you progress in your own