Babies and snow


So. I live in Texas, first time baby will be seeing snow and we were hoping to take him outside in the morning if there’s still snow when he wakes up. But my mother keeps telling me not to take him out because he will get sick. Obviously I’m going to put layers on him to make sure he is nice and warm and not for too long. is it that bad to take him outside????

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My May babe loved it. I was trying to add a picture of my 2yo in the snow at 2m but glow is fighting me.


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Just as others have said to layer up and if it’s super cold or windy don’t be outside too long... however you don’t get sick from the cold... you get sick from germs. Being in the cold can lower your immune system and make you more susceptible to catching a cold but the cold weather itself cannot get you sick. Fresh air is good for you 😊 enjoy the first snow with your baby


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Just make sure you layer up. My daughter loves to be outside so this is how she goes out now, we’re in Michigan


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I live in Canada where it’s been a very cold winter. -20 days alot this month & we’ve been outside everyday! It’s so good from them - just bundle :)


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Not bad!! Just make sure he’s warm and layered up! And you already plan on doing that, so enjoy the snow for a little bit!


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It is 2021 I can’t believe there are people who still think that you can get sick from being in cold weather.


BoyMom • Feb 23, 2021
She was just worried since we’re not used that weather here.


Brittany • Feb 23, 2021
Yea I always try to educate people on how you actually get sick, but there are so many old wives tales people believe. Same with “don’t go outside with wet hair because you’ll get sick”


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We spent an hour out yesterday in 11 degree weather - but snow here is normal and we have the correct layers for it.I put my son in a pair of socks, then footed pjs then another pair of thicker socks. When we got to the park, then I put on another pair of pants, his fleece jacket and a thick pair of socks on his hands for mittens. Then we put him into a big snowsuit with a hat and a hood. We pulled him and my daughter on a sled around on trails in the woods and he loved it. His cheeks got red, but I kept taking off my mittens and checking how cold they felt and when they started to feel cold we left.Snow isn’t the problem in my opinion- it’s the windchill - when it’s windy it can be hard to tell if they are getting cold too quickly and the temp can be so different than without the wind.