13 days late!


Ok y’all now I’m perplexed.

I am awaiting a reply from doctors office to see if I can go in this Friday when I have a day off from work.

But I’m 13 days late!

Let me tell you since I was 10 years old getting my period, never have I ever been late even though due to stress or diet or lifestyle so I want to rule that out. I’m now 33.

Anyone been on the same boat? I know I shouldn’t do this and seek anything on the internet instead of consulting with a doctor but something has to give. No I haven’t take a preg. test because I’m not even having sex like that. And when I have it was with a condom and it didn’t break. I’ve never been in this situation before so I’m very nervous.

PS - Been getting cramps like when I do while on my period yet no blood except on 2/12 where I had one speck of pink blood when I wiped then nothing.