Gyn after abuse/rape

Daphne • First time mommy

So long story short I got abused in my early teens and never went to a gynecologist because I was to afraid and it was to triggering.

In 2019 (age 29) I had a lot of bleeding and spotting to the point it caused anemia so I went for the first time.

I had multiple spots that were extremely sensitive to touch, like when she did the swab I started bleeding a lot, I got treated at that moment (they burned some spots with silver to kick start a healing process and it worked). If I started bleeding again I'd have to go under general to get spots cauterized, but luckily I hadn't had any problems since.

Now we a trying for baby #1, we are in month 3 and I started spotting again a few days after ovulation and it goes on for at least a week untill AF arrives (so with my period I'm bleeding/spotting for over 2 weeks in a row for 3 months now).

I called in today to ask for an appointment and at first I had to wait till halfway april, but when she took a look at my file I suddenly get an appointment tomorrow morning. Idk the idea that they wanted to see me right away after looking into my file does feel quite worrying.

I'm so afraid and triggered for the appointment, but glad it's tomorrow so I don't have lots of time to think about it.

I have an evening shift today and have to go to the appointment tomorrow morning at 9h15 so.

Idk I'm just really really nervous and scared.