Advice needed!!!

This may be a long post but this mama needs some advice!

The scenario: my “fiancé” and I are both young I’m 20 he’s 19, we have two baby girls. We definitely have some issues. We have been together for 4 years off and On but this run with our kids for 2 years has been solid!

THE ISSUES HE HAS: does not what soo ever help me at night with the girls, on his days off he plays video games while the house is absolutely discusting and dog poop and diapers every were which keep in mind isn’t good for the baby’s, he works off and on his hours aren’t guaranteed but I’m still suppose to do every little thing because I’m at home more even tho I can’t even lift the trash and take it down while my baby’s r upstairs alone. He’s perfectly fine living in filth and doesn’t care, I on the other hand am OCD I like everything perfect so usually I end up keeping our room spotless Beijing the girls in there and don’t come out because it gets me so stressed looking at it then I have a panic attack lol. The only time he’ll say he’s “going to change” is if I’m in a full blown panic attack and can’t breathe. Now I know he cares about me and he loves his kids!! He’s also scared of everything and isn’t to manly, my parents keep telling me to leave him and they’ll support us for a bit because I am sad 8/10 times

THE ISSUES I HAVE: I grew up in a very traditional household were my dad did all the workin and still came home and helped my mom out and let her relax a little and even

On no sleep he was always there for my mom and I! My “fiancé on the other hand was solely raised by his mom, who had to support his whole family on her own and a dad who’s in the closet gay but treated him like crap growing up and now is all nice (but anoying) so we have totally different view points on how to parent

SOME ROAD BLOCKS: I LOVE LOVE his fam they love me I’ve talked to his mama about all this cause we r super close and she wants me to do what’s best for me and she said he can move back in with her so she can be there around the girls also. But I’m absolutely sad to think that I won’t be as included in the fam any more even tho I’d still be welcomed and everything.

THE OTHER DAY: we talked about our issues I was bawling because he’s just sorta mean. Sometimes we laugh and have a great time other times he just is so rude and mean, when I mentioned breaking up he didn’t even seemed dazed all he said was “whatever makes you the happiest of what you gotta do” and he didn’t even ask me what he needed to change or anything to stay with me. So I then broke up with him but as I was packing all our stuff to go to my parents, I felt so empty so when he came home I told him I don’t like how he didn’t care and he said “well I want to do whatever will make u happy, and I cried at work I do want to be with you but I want u happy”


So I have a best guy friend who I’ve been friends with even before my man and me got together now I always thought I’ll never be able to pull someone like him as a boyfriend because he’s so cute and attractive and I don’t feel I am. Well we ended up being best friends and we always had a little flirt going on and touchy and everyone said we like each other! But he moved about 3 hours away recently. And we’ve been talking a lot and he said that he’s always really liked me and think the baby’s dad should step up more and that he’ll support us and also be a man in there life’s (my fiancé and him know each other and are cool”) I really do like him ALOT always have and always will, I feel like my fiancé and I r drifting further apart and I don’t know what to do:( he’s close to my kiddos and is so funny and sweet and just way more manly I grew up hunting and camping my fiancé didn’t lol and my best friend is a full country man so there totally opposite ughhh I don’t know what to do

Take away: THANK YOU so much for reading my issues any advice is appreciated