Baby boy name Hindu / Sanskrit


We’ve narrowed it down to 2! One is my fav the other is my husbands fav. He’s saying it’s up to me! So much pressure. 🤪 But grateful he’s flexible! He speaks Hindi and is Hindu so I think he wants to make sure I’m 100% comfortable with the name since I only speak English.

Ashutosh is pronounced (Ah-shoe-toe-sh). And means contentment or granted wishes.

Om is pronounced (Oh-m). And means divine energy.

Middle name is Charles (my dad and grandpas middle name.)

Worth noting we have a very multi cultural community/ friend group so peeps won’t have a hard time pronouncing or spelling either and he’ll probably end up at international elementary school so we aren’t concerned about people saying it wrong there.

I did a previous poll that included Devesh and kiaan. But we ruled them out. Devesh we love but a bit too trendy right now and Kiaan was the winner of the last poll but i think people were getting it confused with the super popular Irish name, Kian, which is pronounced completely differently. - probably way more info than anyone wanted haha. Anyway would love your thoughts.

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