Anyone else’s ovulation pattern change after CP? My advanced OPK is showing High 4 days earlier in my cycle than usual...


Before my chemical in January, my cycle was SO consistent. Always 29 days long, 12 day Luteal phase, I ovulated on CD 17, and my OPK would begin to show High around CD 12-13, and begin to Peak CD 15.

Well, I expected the CP to throw me off, of course. After 25 days I ovulated again and 13 days after that AF came. To be fair, last month my OPK didn’t go high until CD 16and then stayed high for 8 days before it peaked on CD24 🙄 but obviously I had juuuust miscarried.

Today is CD 9, when I’m supposed to start my OPK. And voila, it’s already High (so my estrogen is elevated, not LH). Like I said this normally doesn’t happen for another 3-4 days... so I don’t know what’s going on. I took a HPT just in case (BFN).

I’m very curious to see what’s going to happen now... will I ovulate early? Will I have a 10 day fertile window? Will I somehow ovulate LATE again, have the longest fertile window ever, totally killing my sex drive? Lol UGH.

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