
Mia • M O M M Y 💕

Any moms on here who have kids with autism?

Colton is almost 20 months and doesn’t talk or play with toys like he should. He was diagnosed 2 weeks ago. We are still waiting to see if he will be diagnosed with epilepsy also. Ugh.

We are no where near potty training, he can’t use silverware, he doesn’t know his name, he doesn’t do simple commands without hand gestures (we have started ASL) he has started to fall when he walks. I feel like I’m failing my son.

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Posted at
This is nothing you could have caused mama! And with early intervention you guys will be just fine! I know it’s not easy news to receive but your little guy will have soooooo many amazing strengths that come with his diagnosis. Also please don’t use potty training as a bar, most kids don’t train until 2.5/3 years old.


Jamie • Feb 18, 2021
💯 to what they said 👆🏻


Kristina 💙 Boy Mom Of One • Feb 17, 2021
I’ll second that. My son is 20 mo and has not shown any readiness signs. They’ll potty train when they’re ready.


Posted at
Oh mama!! Sending all the love and strength to you and your precious son. You are the best mama he could have and you got this!!


Mia • Feb 18, 2021
We have been through it in the last almost 2 years. It doesn’t seem like we get a break ugh


Posted at
What a cutie. Your boy is handsome and perfect the way he is. You’re NOT failing your son. He’s just on his own path now. Check out “Nurturing Neurodiversity” on YouTube. It’s run by a mom of two boys. One autistic and one neurotypical. She’s super uplifting and brutally honest as well on how she felt in the beginning when her son was diagnosed vs now.


Posted at
Hugs, mama! My oldest has a dual diagnosis of autism and Down syndrome. For us, her diagnosis of autism didn’t change anything as she was already connected with services. Our hope is that in the future with school, it will be beneficial for her teachers and therapists to know so their approach to teaching new skills is different. It’s great you picked up on signs and were able to get an early diagnosis. I think you will be surprised how much he changes by the time he’s ready for kindergarten. Also, his therapists will become like find one you enjoy being around!My June baby isn’t close to potty training and he doesn’t talk much. There is a wide variety of skills at this age so please don’t compare yours to others. He’s absolutely perfect just the way he is 😍


Posted at
You got this Momma❤️ moray era for you for strength and ambition to get up and realize your the only one that knows your son better than this whole entire world and if that’s not something to be proud of I don’t know what is.


Posted at
When you say he doesn’t talk, do you mean actual words? Does he babble ? My daughter is 20 months and she doesn’t say more than 5 words verbal but sign close to 10 words. She’s in speech therapy but they will not diagnose autism until after 3 years old . Close to 4. She doesn’t use forks or spoons but I really just start offering them because I wanted her to really get used to the different textures of food. With his toys? He’s not interested at all?


Posted at
Colton sounds perfect to me. Jaxson says a lot of words, but it took him forever to walk. He rarely responds to his name and he also refuses to use utensils. But he's smart in a lot of other ways and I'm not worried. Boys sometimes take longer to hit certain milestones, and Colton has been through a LOT in his short life. Hopefully it's nothing, but if it is then take it one day at a time and get early intervention for sure. He probably just marches to the beat of his own drum like Jaxson does.Did they do the MCHAT screen at his 18 month apt? Was his doc concerned?


Ka • Feb 19, 2021
Oh and Jaxson is nowhere near potty training either. He shows no signs of being ready. My husband didn't start potty training until almost 3 and I was also almost 3. And some kids don't talk until after they're 4


Posted at
He's a beautiful boy and smart in his own way. Ivy doesn't respond to her name much and won't use utensils either. Aspergers syndrome/high functioning autism runs in my family, and I care for individuals across the spectrum as part of my job. It can be really hard, but with the right support I'm sure you'll do amazing.


Posted at
Colton is a handsome baby! You sound like an amazing mama taking care of her boy. My boy is not ready for the potty neither. He does fight me to change his diaper 🤷🏻‍♀️ They will use the potty when they are ready (hopefully soon, right? 🙃)