Could I be pregnant?

I have this strange feeling...pregnancy test negative but the last few days I have had an upset tummy and yesterday my fiancé dropped me to the Post Office he drove and omg I felt so so sick 😷 and I felt like that all night. I also feel exhausted. I went to bed at 9pm I haven’t been sick and don’t feel to bad this morning but still not right.

I don’t think it’s a bug and I haven’t eaten anything unusual. I’m not due my period yet. Anyone else feel like this and just had a gut feeling and been pregnant?

On my first I had diarrhoea and was sick once then found out I was pregnant weeks later it’s strange. 🤨

TMI: but I also seem to have a lot of white/clear egg white consistency discharge. Thinking maybe I’m just near ovulating 🤷🏻‍♀️