Super upset with my doctor


So I went for a pre appointment today to talk about what the road to being able to conceive may look like for my boyfriend and I as we have tried for 8 months and had no luck(I have PCOS). I get to the doctor tell them why I’m there and everything and the first minute my doctor walks in and just says “ I don’t think you’re in a place to have a baby”. I’ll be 20 in a month and my boyfriends about to be 23, we’ve been together 6 years and are planning on getting married within the next year or two. But after my doctor said I he thought I wasn’t ready he asked me if we had plans on marriage. Needless to say, I understand completely that they ask if you’re in a committed relationship or what your partnership is like but this just seriously hurt my feelings😭 I’ve cried all afternoon since I got home because I want this so bad and so does my boyfriend. I’m tired of everyone not taking us serious and being so damn judgmental