Uterine Pain at 16 weeks


So I went grocery shopping earlier and I kept having sharp shooting pains on the right side of my uterus I assumed it was round ligament pains bc it would go away if I bent over or squatted down. Then went away when I was driving home. Standing to put up groceries I started to feel a cramping feeling in the front of my uterus that went away after I laid down for a while now standing up it feels sore. I’m waiting on my Medicaid to come through bc I couldn’t afford what my obgyn was wanting me to pay up front so unfortunately I haven’t seen a dr since I was 11 weeks besides hearing the heartbeat at the hospital at 14 weeks bc I was having a lot of headaches and dehydration symptoms. Idk if this is normal and I don’t want to be one of those women who run to the dr at every twinge. But I’m obviously worried. No contraction like pain no bleeding. I’m almost 17 weeks. This is my 4th pregnancy first two miscarriages then a live birth he’s now almost 5. So it’s been a while since I’ve been pregnant and I don’t remember all this from him.