I need help with anxiety & mental breakdowns 😔


Being 35 weeks pregnant I think definitely makes my anxiety worse and I’m not sure how to cope or where to go from here.

Here’s a gist of what happens;

I get overwhelmed or stressed about something (almost always due to housework being backed up, such as needing to do too many things at once). This happens suddenly. I’m pretty chill then all of a sudden it hits me that I have a million things to do.

I end up lashing out at my husband for not helping with housework.

I get angry and yell at him, take out all of my anxiety/stress/anger on him.

I cry, hyperventilate, then go feel very depressed and ashamed/embarrassed for lashing out.

It sounds silly and like I can simply just stop lashing out but I CANT. My anxiety gets the best of me and I just can’t help but panic. Nobody understands.

I’ve tried explaining this to my husband so many times. I always apologize afterwards and tell him I just need him now more than ever. He doesn’t get it. I just need him to help me cope, maybe wrap his arms around me and tell me it’ll be okay. That’s really all I want. But instead he’ll sleep on the couch that night and act like I don’t exist.

I’m currently taking celexa with minimal improvement in the last month. My doc says she can prescribe busbar to use as needed. Anybody have any pointers?!

I’m sick of acting this way and feeling this way.