How did you realize your long term relationship was over?

I’ve been with my fiancé for almost 4 years now, he’s just recently broke his back a few weeks ago. I’m beginning to see things I didn’t before, I’m not sure if they are red flags.

Throughout all of this with his back broken, he hasn’t once considered the toll it’s taken on me having to handle EVERYTHING around the house, wake up multiple times throughout the night to give him his pain meds, I’m wiping his ass on top of it too! He’s been unbearably cranky, so rude to me as I’ve been trying to help him. I asked him if he could just please speak a little nicer to me, but he rolled his eyes and said yeah ok. Needless to say, he’s still been mean and verbally abusive. For Valentine’s Day he did absolutely nothing, he could have just written me a note or a card & I would have been so happy. I would have cried even if he had told me how much he appreciated me. I made him a huge gift basket with candy and pictures of us & he glanced at it and said thanks. We don’t have conversations anymore because one of us gets irritated with the other, we don’t do anything together. I want to make things work so bad but I don’t think it can be saved, or maybe I’m just being dramatic.