Need encouragement

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

Hey ladies.

I need some encouragement. My son will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. For his first week of life he was on an NG tube, and also was formula fed before breadt because they made a big mistake and I wasn't "allowed" to breastfeed him, abd so he didn't eat for the first 2+ hours of his life.

So formula, then NG tube, followed by trying to get him to feed by mouth using my own breastmilk, only fortified.

Fast forward to him coming home. Still on fortified breastmilk but got tje ok to start nursing. I've been doing tjay for a week today.

He roots, and for the most part latches qell. But he almost always falls asleep ans I'm constantly trying to wake him to feed (If he doesn't wake and I put him down he wakes up almost immediately hungry). Im pumping as much as possible. Basically after every nurse I will pump and tjen make a fortified bottle for nighttime.

He was circumcised yesterday and by night was so fussy. I tried multiple feedings, etc, but I ended yo falling asleep wigh him in bed with me often.

I know that's not safe, especially since I use a weighted blanket due to my severe anxiety.

I don't want to give up, but I don't want him to be in jeopardy.

What do you ladies do to keep yourself awake when there are nights like the one j had last night.

I did juat buy a willow, new without box, 2.0 to pump at night and more often.

But I'm still getting discouraged. This is mt 5th, ans last baby, and I never breastfed before (exocet my 10 year old I did when he was in the NICU for 3 weeks ans 5 days) and have this huge NEED to do this time. So I keep pushing.

Should I juat keep going? Give up? Just exclusively pump?

I desperately need some women's advice and encouragement.

Picture of my tiny tot.

(Born 6-12, down to 6lbs, up to 6-6 yesterday. So only in the 1st percentile.)