Not wanting mom at 21st


Okay so my mom is mad at me and I just want to see what other people think.

So tomorrow the 19th is my 21st birthday. And I’ve told my mom that I don’t really want her coming out to party with us just cause I don’t feel comfortable drinking with my mom.

But anyways so I told her I was saying how tomorrow on my bday her and my boyfriend and I can all go to dinner and I can order my first drink and stuff.

And then I said that my boyfriend and his friends and my friends from work are going to all go out to the bar after dinner. And she laughed and was like “yeah I know you don’t want me there” and then she left our house .

I don’t exactly see anything wrong with her not being at the bar with us. I already said I wanted to go to dinner with her and order my first drink.

I just have never felt comfortable getting drunk around my mom, she’s totally fine with drinking but idk.

And I just feel like it would be weird if all our friends and coworkers are getting drunk and my mom is just there, I’d feel like I have to watch over her or make sure she isn’t left out or anything .

Maybe I am being weird about it but I don’t see it being a big deal that I don’t want her there partying with us. I feel like lots of people on their 21st don’t party with their parents .