Hpv genital warts

So many questions. So bare with me.

So I had a single wart removed by the derm (thought it was skin cancer but they biopsied it and it came back hpv)

Now a month later I found a small barely noticeable cauliflower cluster of warts (I’m talking tiny. Like smaller than a pencil eraser) about 2 inches away from the Original wart.

Here’s my questions:

Will this ever go away or will I deal with reoccurring warts for the rest of my life?

Also- I’ve been with the same man for 8 years. Never noticed the warts because they are that tiny and I’ve only found 2 total so I’m not sure how long I’ve had them. He has never really paid attention to if he has had any which I could see how they can be missed especially if you don’t shave often enough.. mine were hard to see even freshly shaved. But I don’t understand how I can be with one person who also according to him has only been with me as well for 8 years and we suddenly find genital warts. Is this something we could have had for years and never noticed til now/ or it didn’t cause warts til now?

Can someone please tell me their positive outcome with this? I’m going down the Google rabbit hole