Left my cheating husband and his family/friends are shunning me+ourkids

This isn't the first time, my rotten husband cheated on me a year ago. He claims it was innocent but he took this woman on several expensive dates and shopping sprees with the money in our savings.

I stayed like a dummy cuz I thought that's what love was. I was introduced to self love on this app, that was all she wrote. I really leveled up he loved it here but as I was falling in love with me I started seeing him for who he was.

I'm assuming he felt that, he purposely let me find a video of him fucking this same woman. It was a silhouette challenge and I'm just like really? Cool! Packed my shit and left, we have two boys 12 year old and 10 year old. We managed to be civil for the boys I didn't want them in a hotel so he kept them for a few months.

I got my own place I have sole custody now and I've started the divorce process despite his never ending attempts to get back together. I'm done he had his unprotected dick in another woman, the same woman before no thank you!

I get his family owes me nothing but for them to treat the boys the way they are making me wanna fight. All because I didnt stay and constantly get cheated on by they dirty ass son. They going around saying I was never loyal and I will try to take everything he has. I'm really humble but what we got we built together it was my idea to make the business moves. Went from working class to upper middle class in 5 years all because of me. And for anybody saying I knew he was like this he really wasn't, he got shot in the ass hole literally three years ago while we was celebrating his frat's founder's day. His recovery was long and painful he lost alot of weight after the meds he was on and he hasn't been right since.

I'm always going to be a role model for my sons, they don't understand why his family is acting this way. I can't make sense of it and I just really would hate for this to really mess my boys up in the future.

How did you all handle your divorce as far as the kids? How did your kids do?


His family is mistreating my children when they visit him. Being mean to them, not feeding them, always not picking with them and leaving them out of family events.