I want to leave him, I’m not happy

My relationship doesn’t even feel like a relationship anymore I am so unhappy and miserable when I’m with him. He’s constantly making jokes at my expense and putting me down and when I get offended he tells me “I can’t even take a joke”

I can’t remember when the last time we genuinely held hands, hugged, kissed, we haven’t even been intimate in weeks and when he wants to it’ll be the only time he’s sweet with me. I’ve talked to him about it but he says it’s stress from work. We have a 7 month old and she’s the only reason why I haven’t left I don’t want him to take her but if I leave him there’s no way I can be with my baby since I work the whole day and get out really late (i work from 1-11:30 pm) I don’t want to do I don’t want to lose my baby girl to him but I am so miserable