I feel terrible

So after 2 months I broke up with him he started acting bipolar and kinda controlling then manipulative ummmm no thanks even though I really did like him at first I saw all the red flags first he didn’t like that I got tattoos by my self then he didn’t like my best friend apparently we hung out way to much then he got mad that I didn’t sleep over all the time even though I wanted to but his room mates where so loud all the time then he couldn’t remember my work schedule which isn’t confusing at all then he would disappear for days at a time then he tried to blame me for not having a relationship with his daughter like dude I met her for 5 mins then the last straw was him calling me a spoiled brat because I made him take me back to my car cause I didn’t wanna stay out all night at a bar so I got my way FYI He took me to my car then left me by my self while he went back to doing what he wanted to lol ok but y do I feel so bad rn like I’ve been through worse than this