4 wks 2/3 days no sac


Hello ladies, I’m freaking out! I had an ultrasound today at 4 wks & 2/3 days. The tech saw nothing, well she said she saw what she thinks is the beginning of a sac forming but nothing. My levels are doubling fine on Sunday I was 153, yesterday were 875 the doctor said in most cases they wont see a sac until your levels are 1500 so she think it’s fine but from previous losses I know she always say what “sounds good or optimistic”. She scheduled me to come back next Friday. I had 2 miscarriages early last year so this time they are wanting to do heparin shots to see if we can avoid it happening again which is why they are doing ultrasound early, but they won’t start the shots until they see a sac. Has this happened to anyone before? I’m really nervous! I’m l leaving it to God so one side of me has peace and the other side of me nervous about being disappointed again.