Failed FET? What to do now?


Hello ladies, so I just got the called that my first FET failed. Woohoo. I am 26 with a 3 year old that I conceived without help and without waiting much. Now have been TTCing for baby #2 for a year an a half. Have had 4 failed IUIs & everything looks good on paper no problems other than hypothyroidism which is being monitored and managed. I did PGS testing. This was my best embryo at 2AA and my lining was at 9.5 mm the last time it was checked. I even had a lining scratch and had no inflammation. Everything was 'perfect' and I was told it was a 69-70% chance of working but it didn't. Where do I go from here? I have more embryos but I can't handle the heartbreak again. What do I do now? Give up?