Self love

Anyone got any self love apps to recommend? It’s really hard moving on as I’ve tried so many times to do with this particular person. I posted recently about him threatening to shoot etc etc.

I’m really down to move on, I don’t know whether it’s the budwiesers I’ve just got off out of my shed talking or what but I feel so serious about this. That was the last time he will ever get to threaten me and belittle me like he used to. He won’t ever physically hurt me or threaten me again. Even though I was with him for almost 3 years, on and off, I still have the nightmares of him choking me and this just topped it off whether it was verbal he still threatened me and it still triggers my anxiety and everything. I won’t sleep tonight.

I’m done with him, he’s trash and Belongs in the bin, he apologised and I told him don’t ring me with your half hearted apologies and put the phone down. He hasn’t rang me since.

Anyway I was wanting self love apps so I can actually stick to moving on instead of slowly trailing back to him, so I can love myself and know my self worth, so I can stop letting him torment me!

Any suggestions? Thanks everyone x