Confused why my guy friends have so much success with girls and I have none

I’m friendly, fairly pretty, nice sense of fashion, good sense of humour and I’m confident, but guys never really show interest in me.

I asked my guy friends what I do wrong and they said I do fine as I am doing

What confuses me, is I’ll go on a bumble or hinge date, it will be really nice and we’ll get along well and really comfortable and then they will suggest plans for a next date. And then it’s deadly silent and they never follow up . I’m worried I’m not flirty enough, I flirt a little bit if they don’t flirt back I’ll be a bit reluctant to be bold with flirting

Whilst my guy friends seem to just go on one date and pursue the girl, text her straight after. I get none of that

My guy friend also asked girl out on more dates even when he said it was annoying him that she always said things like ‘you replied back so slow, you had enough of me already lol?’ And said she seemed insecure but still offered her dates.

I can’t even get a follow up text, let alone multiple dates or even sex. I’m scared I’m always gonna be like this :(

Even the guys I know with questionable personal hygiene, scruffy and a bit awkward get more sex than me :(