

I've made a couple posts on this already but I'm at a total loss and I just need to vent. So sorry in advance if this is too long. My anxiety has been out of control it's consuming my life. I have 2 boys that I love so much but I can't seem to enjoy anything anymore not with them not with my husband or nothing. I'm constantly overthinking everything. I'm overwhelmed every time one of my kids cry. To my husband it's no big deal if our 7 month old cries on our way to somewhere but to me I just get so anxious that it ruins my day and all I wanna do is be back home even if I'm miserable there. It just seems that no matter what we do I'm not happy. My husband doesn't understand any of this and he's just to the point of being frustrated that he has a wife that's never happy. Idk what to do anymore . I try to stay positive but it's been so hard lately. I just can't handle normal day to day things anymore. All I'm doing is worrying and just trying to stop myself from breaking down. I just wish I could disappear. I know it's a terrible thing to say but my kids and husband aren't going to be happy with a miserable wife and mom. I just don't know anymore ....