Genital herpes

Ive had an outbreak. The doctor said she thinks its genital herpes, but cannot be 100% sure. I cant go to sexual health clinic because of covid (no in person appointments). Either way, i think what i have matches herpes descriptions.

Im worried because i literally know nothing about it, and the sexual health clinic appeared to be unwilling to help when i called them.

Ive had the same sexual partner for a year, has he been unfaithful to me? Is it possible that one of us has been carrying it our whole relationship & ive only just had an outbreak? And does this mean if i have it, he definitely does?

We have both had cuts around our mouths around Christmas time - but these werent anything like blisters that ive got down here, they were more like cuts because of dry skin. I have had these cuts before in the past. I really dont think they looked like cold sores.

I have so many questions, i dont know how its caused, what my future sex life looks like, how often these outbreaks will happen or if i can prevent them from happening.