Pet close to dying

Amy • Hi❤. Hope your having a good day and feel free to dm me if you need to rant!

So my cat is like 15yo and she has started to pee blood. I love her a lot since my other cat passed. She probably won't make it through the weekend.

Love you baby. Wish and pray❤💖

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Posted at
The humane thing to do is take her to the vet so they can check, it won't be easy but they can just put her down don't let her suffer to the last moment


Posted at
Okay I'll go out on a limb here and ask being as all of you are so insistent on her taking him to the vet. Are any of you will to donate anything to help pay for the $90 minimum vet visit??


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We did take her to the vet because we noticed that she had red pee droplets on the walk area to the litter. She isn't meowing though she was hiding on Friday and I couldnt find her. We are trying to get her in the vet but all the ones around are booked or over 90$ and I'm not going to shoot her so yea....


Anna • Feb 21, 2021
Some places will let you surrender the pet of you can't afford so they can treat, but will keep the animal. There are also groups on Facebook that some will allow you to GoFundMe for approved vet visits that are proven real. I hope you can get her the care she needs whether it is helping her pass or avoiding death from a UTI.


Sa • Feb 21, 2021
$90 dollars is a pretty good price for a vet visit and bloodwork, particularly for uti symptoms. We’ve paid more than that when one cat was diagnosed with asthma and the other one was diagnosed with diabetes.


Sarah • Feb 21, 2021
$90 is a small.price to pay to give your cat proper care or a dignified death - not suffering at home.


Posted at
This is so so sorry this is happening but I hope she had a good life with you and you loved her


Amy • Feb 21, 2021
Yes mom adopted her when I was young she hot caught in a fence because a dog waa chasing her. Was for my dad because he had just lost his cat. Played little attention to her because I had my own cat


Posted at
That’s a UTI. It’s completely treatable


Posted at
Cat needs to go to the vet. Could just be a UTI.


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Did you take her to the vet?


Amy • Feb 20, 2021
She does have a history of uti and they said she had nothing wrong with kidneys or anything


ch • Feb 20, 2021
I hope so.


Kim W • Feb 20, 2021
That's what I was wondering. Surely she took her to the vet. It could just be a UTI or something that can be easily treated with proper care.


Posted at
Take her to the vets. If she’s in that much pain putting her down would be best and she won’t be in pain. Trust me I know how hard it is, I had to put an old animal down it broke my heart