Exposed to Covid. Am I at risk or should be ok. Will take precautions either way

My cousin was having a drive by reception and I showed up 5 mins before the end. Told her my mask was taken out and I didn’t have one and she said it’s ok come in. I half expected her to be be wearing a mask and just us. I go in and her husbands family is there. His mom, my cousin, and 5 other members. None were wearing a mask. I forgot honestly about Covid and gave my cousin a hug and we all talked for a bit. As I’m leaving my cousin mentions how she’s still recovering from Covid just some symptoms. I guess she had it a right before Christmas and was cleared 2nd week of January. I asked her about it and she said almost everyone there has had it at one point and only one person didn’t have the vaccine. I’ve never had it and haven’t had the shot. Told my mom and now she’s telling me how I’m at high risk now for getting sick. I work from home and have kept my trips outside the house to essential since Covid started. I feel incredibly dumb for even going and assuming it would go how I thought it would. I plan on staying home and a month and getting tested when I can. I’m just freaking out a bit. I wasn’t too worried before but my mom saying otherwise is getting to me

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