Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


For people who have an older or adult child with ASD, what was the child like as a baby/toddler and what are they like now that they are older?

My toddler is 16 months, and starting at his 9 month appt. the doctors were concerned. At age 16 months, he is:

-not saying any words, but does babble

-does not gesture, point, or look at things when I point

-is not very interactive

-does not respond to his name

-loves to cuddle and seems happy in his own world and when I sing his favorite songs

-will only drink bottles and eat puréed foods, cannot eat anything with textures

He is on a waiting list for an autism screen as recommended by his doctor, and I’m pretty sure he is on the spectrum after seeing other children his age, though I can’t be 100% sure.

Also, for those of you with a child with ASD, does anyone in your family have autism? The funny thing is, my mom said she always thought I had autism when I was young because she said I used to rock a lot, she had to cut off all the tags on my clothing because of how sensitive I was, and she said I lined up my toys. I was never tested or diagnosed, and I am very empathetic (something they say is not common with people with autism, or so I’ve heard). To this day I am very sensitive to touch, and the slightest touch can be very uncomfortable/hurt, including painful sex my whole life. I was in advanced classes in school and always did very well, but I had so many friends with disabilities growing up. I naturally made friends with them. I also find it very awkward and intimidating to look people in the eye when I talk, but not when I listen to others talk for some reason.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to hear other people’s situations, and what their children are like now! I also have a brother with Down syndrome.